Tag Archives: I want the wings to fold up so I can do jumping jacks in space

CRUSH the REBELLION Campaign Summary

Per request, here is a short summary of the characters involved in my CRUSH the REBELLION campaign and a few words describing each of our 9 sessions. Where applicable, links have been provided to longer discussions on individual Operations. As always, general feedback and specific questions of interest are appreciated. Later in the week, I won’t let you just take my word at it and will provide a comprehensive interview with the players to get their view on the campaign as experienced.

TaggeNeedsBureaucracy-ANHIMPERIAL AGENTS

Besk, Bothan Spy Infiltrator
Secret Agenda: Assassinate The Emperor (succeeded).

K1LL1NG3R, Droid Hired Gun
Secret Agenda: Construct a superweapon that would enable a new droid revolution to conquer the galaxy.

Zebb, Twi’Lek Slicer
Secret Agenda: Grand Moff, build an unspecified superweapon.

Tar’Yun, Twi’Lek Diplomat (Force Sensitive)
Secret Agenda: Orchestrate a massive military defection to the Rebellion.

Delanar, Human Bounty Hunter (Force Sensitive)
Secret Agenda: Hunt down and slay a hidden Jedi Master.

Daktari Jonez, Duros Scholar
Secret Agenda: Oversee the genocide of all Ewoks.


Operation I – A convoy of five Imperial transports must be protected from an anticipated ambush by Rebel military forces. Imperial Intelligence has determined that a lost Jedi outcast is among the terrorists. The Jedi must be captured and interrogated to learn further information about Rebellion military activities in this sector.
Surprise: The Jedi Knight is a non-gendered, weird alien composed of a slippery mass of tentacles.

Operation II – A geneticist located at an isolated research outpost has been selling Imperial secrets to the highest bidder. Prove which of the scientists is the traitor and bring him or her to justice while quelling uprisings from the local populace.
Surprise: The only way to route out the true traitor is to solve a complicated Zebra Logic Puzzle.

Operation III – Local organized crime on an outer rim world has been supplying outlawed, dangerous medicines to a plague-ridden populace as well as explosives to nearby terrorist cells and must be stopped.
Surprise: The Rebel Leader from Operation II returns angry and cybernetically enhanced.

Operation IV – The captain of the IEF Tydeus has succumbed to the unclean influences of a heretical cult located in the unknown regions. Find a way to board the renegade Imperial vessel and relieve its Captain Kitano of his command before the ship escapes and makes the jump to lightspeed.
Surpise: This adventure is a speed run of Only Two Ways Home, giving the players only about half the time that they really need to complete it. Players must use their metagaming knowledge of previous runs of the adventure to win.

Operation V – A shapeshifting alien has infiltrated the ranks of a local planetary government cabinet and the senate hall is on lock-down. Kill the shapeshifter and save as many cabinet members as possible. Everyone trapped inside is either vitally important to Imperial operations or is a noted public figure.
Surprise: The shapeshifter is a liqui-metal droids and there are, in fact, two of them.

Operation VI – With a Victory-class Star Destroyer at your command, watch over the development of the new TIE Phantom stealth fighter and goad any traitors into action so that they can be caught red-handed and in the act.
Surprise: The commander of the VSD is Zebb’s nemesis and does everything in his power to make this Operation difficult for the Agents.

Operation VII – Preside over negotiations on behalf of The Empire at the Kimanan star system, whose people have taken the local Imperial Moff as hostage and who are now led by a Jedi fugitive.
Surprise: The Agents’ covert, pirate transport captain has sold them out.

Operation VIII – Following your previous Operation’s failure, the Kimanan star system has gone into revolt and joined the Rebel Alliance, taking with it the military defenses supplied to the planet through The Empire and protected by the Pirate Queen Kath Scarlet. Command an Imperial-class Star Destroyer and support fleet to invade the system and punish the Kimanans for their treachery.
Surprise: The Kimanans have a Cloning Facility and Mitichlorian Infusion Center that will soon produce a clone army of artificially-empowered Jedi.

Operation IX – Hunt down the fleeing architects of the Kimanan revolt. Kill the Pirate Queen Kath Scarlet at the pod racing contest of Tattoine. Capture the Jedi Knight MacKenzie hiding in a lost Jedi ruin and bring him before The Emperor Himself.
Surprise: It’s a Trap! designed by The Emperor to kill the scheming Agents and put a stop to their Secret Agendas.

Starship Sheets – More Updates

pilot-star-wars-27“Hey, it worked that way in the Beta. It’s not my fault!”

Someone called me out on my mistakes, giving me a swift kick in the pants. I hate to distribute inaccurate information, and that was what I was doing with all of my Starship Sheets. Gunnery difficulties, Boost Shields, and Damage Control were all just slightly off, and this I cannot abide.

Additionally, the YT-2400 Light Freighter was specifically requested by a fan and the siren call of Age of Rebellion demanded that I provide a convenient starship sheet for that freighter and the two-seater (pilot & gunner) variant on the A4 model, the BTL-S3 Y-Wing. Also, speeder bikes.

Thus, I present:

  • Firespray System Patrol Craft (PDF) (Word)
  • Firespray System Patrol Craft with Boarding Action house rule (PDF) (Word)
  • Ghtroc 720 Light Freighter (PDF) (Word)
  • Lambda T-4A Imperial Shuttle (PDF) (Word)
  • Sorosuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht (PDF) (Word)
  • Wayfarer-Class Medium Freighter (PDF) (Word)
  • YT-1300 Light Freighter (PDF) (Word)
  • YT-2400 Light Freighter (PDF) (Word)
  • BTL-S3 Y-Wing (PDF) (Word)
  • 74-Z Military Speeder Bike (PDF) (Word)

Core Book Update: Starship Sheets

As you are all no doubt fully aware, the Edge of the Empire core rulebook has finally been released and is out on store shelves. Huzzah! I’ve been joking with my regular Star Wars gaming group that we can now, after months of delving into our campaign, start playing the game properly.

I’d hate to disseminate incorrect information, so I’ll be updating the stat blocks and whatnot on Triumph & Despair to reflect the most accurate values. And if you spot something in error, please, send me an email about it.

The first thing that caught my eye upon perusing the new core rulebook were the stats on the Lambda Shuttle. It’s weapons are significantly upgraded, now able to reliably punch through enemy starships’ Armor. I simply can’t let that kind of easy-to-fix error slip through, so that has been updated. Also of particular interest was the substitution of the Ghtroc 720 Light Freighter for the Wayfarer-Class Medium Freighter for starting Crew starships. Lastly, the rules now stipulate potential alternate starting starships of  120,000cr or less. A close examination of the core book reveals only one alternative under that description not previously covered: the Sorosuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht. The Yacht is underpowered, underdefended, and unarmed. It is a challenge and a thrill to try and survive in; one which only the most elite of Crews will even attempt.

Clearly, it behooves me to provide updated and new one-page 11×17 starship sheets for these spacefaring vessels.

  • Lambda T4-A Imperial Shuttle (PDF) (Word)
  • Wayfarer-Class Medium Freighter (PDF) (Word)
  • Sorosuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht (PDF) (Word)

Rogue Events Compilation

Following the recent publication of my Rogue Event 15 – De-Activated Imperial Probe on the GSA, I’ve gotten a few requests to put together a quick compilation of these first fifteen for easy reference at the table. This is actually a pretty good time for this to happen as I’m planning on taking a breather from Rogue Events for at least a little while.  Well, who am I to disappoint the fans?

Rogue Events 01-15 Compilation

Where is that shuttle going?

Fly casual.

Fly casual.

The Lambda T4-A Imperial Shuttle presents an iconic image recognizable by all Star Wars fans. More than that, it functions as a grand prize to be stolen by a  brazen thief to show off the utmost drama, daring, and bravado on the part of said notorious scoundrel. But, when seen through the lens of Edge of the Empire, what a chaotic mess of confusing information!

Similar to the Starship Layout Guide done here back in April, I present to you a full 11×17 layout detailing the various functions and facets of using this spacefaring vessel. Of particular interest to me was how maneuverable (Handling +0) and fast (Hyperdrive Class I) the shuttle is, as well as its vast array of many weak (Damage 3) energy weapons; at least in comparison to the classic three starting starship options of YT-1300, Ghtroc 720, and Firespray. As expected, the passenger capacity of the shuttle is unrivaled among these Silhouette 4 starships, boasting the ability to ferry a total of 26 passengers & crew. What would one do with an assault squad of that size? I don’t really know too many good answers, but I bet if I had it at my disposal I could really cause some damage and wreck a nervous Galaxy Master’s overly-railroading, rigid plans.

  • Lambda T4-A Imperial Shuttle (PDF) (Word)